銀行阿姐介紹一隻高息基金,月息每個單位派 0.00667 港元。買了半年,見戶口每月有固定利息收入,感覺良好。後來有一份儲蓄保險到期,想來想去,決定將那筆錢投進基金,好增加利息收入。
亡友以前常說栗整天跑戲院,是敗家精,但只要算一算,就知所費其實無幾。假設栗每年到戲院看 150 齣電影 (去年的數字是 133),每張戲票港幣 60 元正,全年的使費是:
150 x $60 = $9,000
就算栗將數量調升至 200 齣,使費也不過是 $12,000,比別人周遊列國便宜多了。
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/26/2013 21:47:26]不要這樣說自己嘛。
其實我剛出來做事時,已經在計劃退休的了。雖然很喜歡工作 (根本就是工作狂),但不想因為那份人工而工作就是。
每月就有萬多元利息 - not enough... when one has to take care of his / her parents and children, especially when the food these days is very expensive.
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/28/2013 08:30:35]說得很對,所以雖然我整天在埋怨現在的工作,卻依然不轉工。無它,那份待遇著實不差 :(
[Kenji Chan回覆01/27/2013 23:19:30]icic!!! It sounds true. Still, we are worried sometimes, not being sure that something unpredictable may happen and money is needed. Besides, the more money we earn, the more unwilling we are to give up the position.
[版主回覆01/26/2013 21:48:32]一萬當然不夠。我是在想,如果有這一萬元,就可以找份輕鬆點的工作,不用整天辦公室政治,煩透了。
回覆刪除[Kenji Chan回覆01/27/2013 23:21:00]I do not have an insight pass because I wanna go to different cinemas.
[版主回覆01/26/2013 21:51:28]演唱會不會天天看嘛,使費都是有限。
其實以我的看戲量,去買 insight pass 才划算。不過極不想這樣綁著自己,貴一點也就貴一點吧,能力範圍內,使得安心。
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/30/2013 23:12:30]我明白讀萬卷書不如行萬里路,但我就是不大喜歡去旅行。或許等父母百年歸老後,我就好好的出一次遠門吧。
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/30/2013 23:10:53]世上沒有永遠的工作。有一天我失去了工作能力,我要想辦法繼續活下去。
I'm a bit suspicious of that $2 million yielding $10k a month deal. One-half of one percent a month is unusually high. What does it invest in, and what are the risks?
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/04/2013 11:31:50]I have to diversify too. 銀行阿姐 recommended two run by Blackrock. I bought one with some of my money and I'll see how it goes this year.
[The Teacher回覆02/04/2013 09:31:45]Junk bond funds are much safer than the name suggests, provided that the fund is well diversified. I have a couple of them with Fidelity Investments and they yield excellent returns.
[版主回覆02/03/2013 20:57:21]I didn't know that when I first bought it, but I am willing to buy more before of the interest. I am thinking of earning HK$10,000 this year and get all my money back. I hope I can make it.
[The Teacher回覆02/02/2013 23:58:35]ahh, i thought so, they're more commonly known as 'junk bonds'.
[版主回覆02/02/2013 23:41:42]Teacher: grade B bonds, worldwide