I agree. Without the downs, we may not be able to comprehend what the ups are. I like the movie with reservation. The story is too fragmented and the pace is too slow. The film is about different grandmasters, but I do not know whom I should focus on. I'm interested in 一線天, but it seems to me that he disappears at the end of the movie. I want more background about him. It is said that there is a 4-hour version. I'm not sure if the story will be more complete. I also think, with a wrong expectation, some members of the mainstream audience will be disappointed. They may mistakenly think it is an action movie focusing on Mr. Yip. [芝回覆01/20/2013 23:20:13]我也以為電影主要講葉問,原來不是。 看電影前,facebook上出現舖天蓋地的影評和comment。甚至有些人的status句子都變得有深度起來,後來才發現全來自這套戲! [版主回覆01/20/2013 18:18:50]其實睇王家衛,最好是甚麼也不想,甚麼也不查的便入場,這樣才會有「得著」:P [版主回覆01/20/2013 18:17:09]所以我說這是一個愛情故事呀。若是想看武打片,肯定會在場內爆粗。 我對一線天也有興趣,他跟宮二應該還有別的發展嘛,可能在四小時的版本中才能見到。
I agree. Without the downs, we may not be able to comprehend what the ups are. I like the movie with reservation. The story is too fragmented and the pace is too slow. The film is about different grandmasters, but I do not know whom I should focus on. I'm interested in 一線天, but it seems to me that he disappears at the end of the movie. I want more background about him. It is said that there is a 4-hour version. I'm not sure if the story will be more complete. I also think, with a wrong expectation, some members of the mainstream audience will be disappointed. They may mistakenly think it is an action movie focusing on Mr. Yip.
回覆刪除[芝回覆01/20/2013 23:20:13]我也以為電影主要講葉問,原來不是。
[版主回覆01/20/2013 18:18:50]其實睇王家衛,最好是甚麼也不想,甚麼也不查的便入場,這樣才會有「得著」:P
[版主回覆01/20/2013 18:17:09]所以我說這是一個愛情故事呀。若是想看武打片,肯定會在場內爆粗。
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/21/2013 13:47:37]不過電影中,沒一個人配得上「俠」字啊。
應該這樣想:每天都是我人生中最好的年華 ;)
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/30/2013 08:46:54]我是本著必(然悶)死的心態進場的,所以反而有絲絲驚喜。在愛情路上,我的遭遇跟宮二有點相似,所以有共鳴,看得投入。不過這是很個人的事,別人不喜歡不出奇。
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/30/2013 08:47:32]這集007算拍得好看,不過沒留下甚麼深刻印象就是。
[版主回覆01/30/2013 08:44:24]張震那段我都覺得有點過份,不過王大導係咁神化架啦,呢齣唔使等到2046先至上,算做有交代架啦。(不過話時話,就算有導演版,我都覺得未必會有乜交代囉:s)
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/07/2013 18:02:14]我估原本有關架,不過剪下剪下,就變成現在這個怪樣子 (我鍾意張震同章子怡那段,希望二人有發展!)