【天地硫磺】(When Heaven Meets Hell) 中的四位印尼男士,為了生計,當上硫磺礦工。開採硫磺絕非易事,既要忍受嗆人的氣體,扛著硫磺塊時又要步步為營,以免在險峻的山路上失足。儘管工作環境如此惡劣,他們還是默默忍受下去,因為他們祈望自己的努力,能讓下一代過得更好……
Ok, based on your description alone, are you sure about your statement of 能生在香港,應該感恩...
回覆刪除Some people might say HK is slouching towards certain places in a handbasket...
[The Teacher回覆04/04/2012 10:21:05]Exactly, so that makes the general situation in HK slightly worse off than some other places. That's why some people in Southern Mexico take up arms against the government, and those in Northern Mexico just try to go into US, or go into the drug trade.
[版主回覆04/04/2012 09:04:11]But people in HK can't sneak into other countries ...
[The Teacher回覆04/01/2012 13:49:47]I know nothing about Indonesia, but Mexico? Perhaps in South. In Northern Mexico, at least the young and the strong could sneak into the US...
[版主回覆04/01/2012 13:26:56]I would say HK is a much better place than Indonesia and Mexico.