2010年7月18日 星期日


報上讀到蘋果 Safari 5 的介紹,下載試用後覺得十分滿意,決定正式跟 IE 分手。

Safari 5最吸引栗之處,在於它的閱讀器 (Reader)。只需按網址列右邊的一個鈕,便能避過所有煩人的廣告,專心閱讀網頁內容,正!

可是用 Safari 5 Xanga的文章,卻發現字體縮小了。不過這不是大問題,只要按 Ctrl +,便能放大網頁內容,慢慢閱讀。

如果大家被 IE 煩透了,不妨考慮轉用 Safari 5

2 則留言:

  1. Safari is fine, but i found Firefox better cause it is faster on loading page
    [版主回覆07/23/2010 21:06:00]I don't mind if Safari isn't the fastest. Remember that I'm still using an antique computer ;)

  2. Google chrome is the fastest but all not websites support it but you can use it on any popular websites. I haven't used IE for at least 5 years now.
    [版主回覆07/23/2010 21:07:00]I should have abandoned IE a few years ago, just can't make up my mind ... I like the reader of Safari, so I'll stick to it :)
