本來想寫雙料影后珊迪娜布洛,但見都給大小媒體寫過了,不如改談本屆奧斯卡影帝謝夫布列治 (Jeff Bridges) 吧!
第一次在銀幕上看見謝夫布列治的名字,是在電影【壯志奔騰】(Seabiscuit)。那一年,栗獨個兒到電影院看這齣電影,深深被 Charles Howard 一角吸引。電影完結後,栗盯著銀幕,得知這位演員名為謝夫布列治。
翻查 imdb 的紀錄,原來他演出過的電影和電視劇,比梅姐更多!可是栗就只看過三齣:
Crazy Heart (2009)
Seabiscuit (2003)
The Big Lebowski (1998) (影碟)
看奧斯卡頒獎禮,演員本身似乎很喜歡 The Big Lebowski 中 The Dude 一角,可惜那不是栗的一杯茶~~~
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
A young man whose spirit was broken
A millionaire who lost everything
And a cowboy whose world was vanishing
Three lost men found each other
And discovered hope in an unlikely place
The odds were incredible
The dream was impossible
And the story is true
Seabiscuit (2003) The Big Lebowski (1998)
我到《密探睥死羊》先開始有心留意佢,因為全片個個認得,心想此老頭一定有番咁上下,於是先去搵佢叫乜名呢...估唔到無幾耐又在《CRAZY HEART》見番佢,仲攞埋影帝呢~
[版主回覆03/13/2010 18:23:00]我只記得他在 Seabiscuit 中的演出,早兩天重看前仍在流眼淚
"Ya don't throw a whole life away just because it's banged up a little." "The future is the finish line." I'm a fan of this movie. It's an old fashioned, feel-good kind of movie that is very well crafted and doesn't feel contrived. That being said, it's impossible to cover every amazing detail in the book in a couple of hours; if you haven't already read Laura Hillenbrand's book, I highly recommend doing so. " 這三個男人的故事,今天重看,依然教栗感動流涕。" Give me 5 (tissue papers)!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/14/2010 15:25:00]> old-fashioned, feel-good kind of movie Have you watched 歲月神偷, Raymond? It's exactly the type of movie you describe
I bought Laura Hillenbrand's book several years ago, but I haven't read it yet! OK, I'll read it right away!
今天送飯開碟睇,開中一隻《TIDELAND》,當日為了看 Terry Gilliam 舊作而買,想不到忽然又看到 Jeff Bridges !最近跟他可真算十分有緣,而且本片又提及Alice in Wonderland...緣份真奇妙~