話說朋友用 Microsoft Word 排了一本書出來,可是輸出檔的頁面尺寸是 297 mm H x 210 mm W (A4 紙大小),跟他理想中的尺寸 (230 mm H x 168 mm W) 有差距,於是他問栗子妹該怎麼辦才好。
(1) 原度:v 29.72 + 212 (栗按:v 代表根號)
(2) 實度:v 232 + 16.82
之後將 (2) 除以 (1),再乘以 100 %,便得出比率約為 78%。
栗:「得、得、得,記往 78% 同(印刷)廠講就得。」
Looks like the spammers are back.
Speaking for the typical Americans, I'd say yeah, but 中二 was a long time ago. Even if I learned it then, I wouldn't remember it now.
[版主回覆12/05/2009 18:20:00]You have a point here, Teacher. I shouldn't demand too much. I remember Pythagoras theorem just because I need to teach it every year.
Here's another observation and educated guess: If you post this question to 100 scientifically and randomly selected adult Americans, I'll be very surprised if more than 5 would even know how to get to the answer, although virtually all 100 would have finished secondary school.
I am sure for HK, the percentage would be many times higher, maybe even close to 50%.
[版主回覆12/06/2009 17:01:00]I complicated the math, Teacher. 堅 shows me an easier way to do it!
我亦都一早將中學所學的還給老師啦 ~~
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/06/2009 17:03:00]暖暖:現在想起來,其實還了也不打緊呢,我寫的時候倒真是有點氣
好數口, 又專業呀 !!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/06/2009 17:01:00]金城:我才不專業呢,鑽了牛角尖了
我都吾係好明. Why can you use custom page size in Word and let it reformat? If the information on each page is set, I would just take the smaller of 230/297 (77.4) and 168/210 (80) 77.4 ~ 78.
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/06/2009 17:02:00]You're right, 堅, I didn't think about it (take the smaller) before. I complicated the case. Thank you very much for telling me an easier way!
To most Americans, the new method isn't any simpler. But I do agree with you that it's simpler for us.
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/06/2009 17:17:00]Teacher: I was told that Chinese people are better at math than Americans. Do you think the same?
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/07/2009 20:53:00]唔緊要,事實上也真是沒甚麼用的,記來無用。
Yes, at the lowest level, because of the language of numbers, which is decimal, and because of the non-alphabet-based Chinese language, which enhances visualization ability at a young age.
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/07/2009 20:54:00]That's a new theory to me, Teacher. Does visualization really matter?
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/07/2009 20:52:00]拿積分計體積是正路呀,有甚麼問題?
Yes, the ability to visualize numbers enhances one's ability to do simple calculations in one's head. That ability makes a kid relatively unafraid of numbers at a young age.
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/08/2009 07:43:00]OIC. Thanks a lot!
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/08/2009 08:20:00]積分的公式不是比體積的公式更難記嗎? 你真是的
不過其實不要緊, 最重要不是計到嗎? (看我, 只管結果, 不理過程, 超級現實 )
[版主回覆12/13/2009 07:03:00]更有趣。梯形體積不就是底面積乘以高嗎?緣何一開始不先計底面積?
噢 ~~~ 栗子妹您好強呀 ~~~~ 畢氏定理都記得 !!!! 好厲害哦 ~ 我依家除左加減乘除,其他都...
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/13/2009 07:06:00]不要緊呢,我不過是因為要教學生才會時刻記著。