amble: (of a horse) move along without hurrying; (of a person) ride or walk at an easy pace
canter: (cause to) gallop gently
gallop: fast pace with all four feet off the ground at each stride
hobble: walk as when lame, or as when the feet or legs are impeded
range: go, move, wander (over, through, etc.)
reel: walk/stand unsteadily, moving from side to side, sway
roam: walk/travel without any definite aim/direction
saunter: walk in a leisurely way
scamper: run quickly (esp. of small animals, e.g., mice, rabbits, when frightened or of children and dogs at play)
scoot (hum & colloq): run away quickly
scramble: climb, clamber or crawl (over steep/rough land)
scud: go straight and fast, with smooth motion
scuff: walk without properly lifting the feet from the ground
scurry: run with short, quick steps; hurry
shamble: walk unsteadily as if unable to lift the feet properly
shuffle: walk (along) without raising the feet properly
sidle: walk (up to, away from, along, sb) in a shy/nervous way
slink: go or move (off, away, in, out, by) in a secret, guilty, or sneaking manner
slip: go/move quietly or quickly, without attracting attention
slither: slide or slip unsteadily
stumble (along: move/walk in an unsteady way
traipse: [inf.] to walk somewhere slowly when you are tired and unwilling
trample: tread heavily on with the feet; crush under the feet
tread: walk; stamp or crush
trudge: walk wearily/heavily
waddle: walk with slow steps and a sideways roll, as a duck
wade: walk with an effort (through water, mud, etc.)
解釋出處:OALD 6/e(現在已經出到第七版啦~)
原來英文可以咁复杂咖.....我地中文好似易好多...不過是用....走,急步走,慢條斯理地走, 悠閒地走.... ..
回覆刪除一舊雲:其實我也覺得英文挺複雜和麻煩,但這也正是它的趣味之處 中文形容走路姿態的詞彙也算變化萬千,如蓮步、珊珊 ... 真是一門博大精心的學問,要學好殊不容易
回覆刪除學習了. 可一下子太多了, 記不住啊 (老了老了 ). 等我把它列印出來, 慢慢來 ( waddling )