In the civilized world, any business worth its salt would notify every contact of its relocation weeks ahead of time... [版主回覆06/25/2011 13:18:00]I found out the reason. The boss of that company inform a manager in the Design team but not the Admin Dept ...
搬office通常是週末做的,我認為應該是那公司的Admin Dept 唔知規矩,每次搬都漏咗通知合作伙伴。
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/25/2011 13:16:00]查到原因, 原來那間公司只通知了合作部門的某位同事, 而那位同事並沒有通知總務部......
In the civilized world, any business worth its salt would notify every contact of its relocation weeks ahead of time...
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/25/2011 13:18:00]I found out the reason. The boss of that company inform a manager in the Design team but not the Admin Dept ...