2013年3月24日 星期日




4 則留言:

  1. that doesn't look right at all....if it's 主動「幫忙」, she should not have given him the $10...
    [版主回覆03/25/2013 14:03:23]It's still not showing ... let me post it again:
    I agree. But the man didn't let her go.
    After the incident, another Chinese man who speaks English approached. He told the young woman that $10 was 'fair'. I really don't think so.
    [The Teacher回覆03/24/2013 23:33:36]This last one is showing, but not the first one, not yet.
    [版主回覆03/24/2013 23:26:13]Thanks Teacher! I can see it myself. Maybe it will show up tomorrow morning. Let's wait and see.
    [The Teacher回覆03/24/2013 23:08:44]Chestnut, your comment shows in email, but not here. It's covered under "Spam comment".
    [版主回覆03/24/2013 22:40:26]I agree. But the man didn't let her go.
    After the incident, another Chinese man who speaks English approached. He told the young woman that $10 was 'fair'. I really don't think so.

  2. 路見不平,妳是做了好事;只是想到外國遊客來到mall獸充斥、越來越悶蛋的香港,要樂上幾天也真不易哩。
    [版主回覆03/25/2013 08:39:50]說得對。我在想景點時,想破了頭。現在的香港,除了商場,還是商場 :(

  3. 我是試過在飛機上向日本遊客介紹香港的景點,但那兩個男人想我作導遊,我便不睬他們。
    [版主回覆03/27/2013 05:27:08]若是型男,下次就不妨作導遊啦 ;)

  4. You have a good heart and she is lucky to have met you.
    [版主回覆04/07/2013 09:03:02]我可以幫到她,自己都覺得很開心 :)
